Monday, May 10, 2010

The Train Journey

Roughly, I have spent around 160 sleepless nights in train in the last one year and ten months. I am still counting them, as my leap from Chennai to Bangalore and again from Bangalore to Chennai is not over yet.

Every time I board a train, I expect miracles; well that’s how Tamil cinemas have spoiled me. But being alone, I was just fine with hitting some conversation with some stranger, which will give you the top of the world feel, but nothing significant happened all these days in ma train voyages.

Yesterday was a day with odds I should say. I had no heart to leave home and had even planned to travel by bike to Bangalore. But I had to give up all my adventurous thoughts and unwillingly decided to go by train. There to my dismay, my Waitlisted ticket got confirmed to a berth in side Upper. Imagine a 6 foot well built guy (oh yeah! that’s me [:P] ) getting cramped in 5”5 short berth with no air to breathe. The thought of it, made me terrible and with a long face I went into my compartment and started listening to songs.

Just then, Ragav, a friend of mine came in and we were discussing deeply about foreign current affairs.(seri tension [:P] ) Suddenly a gal with pitch black tops and jeans hit my leg with her big Ryan Bingam bag. Well, its all natural in a crowded place was my feel and as the train started moving, I writhed myself in my berth. I was filled with thoughts, the likes of which are, how come foreign univs are so choosy? What shoule be my next blog about? Where do I derive content for it? Et al.

After setting myself in a position less desirable, I noticed the Ryan Bingam bag gal in the middle berth of the same bay. Well, surprisingly a gal heading to Bangalore was exchanging glances with me. I was reminded of a time when I screwed up the opportunity of interacting with a gal who showed all signs of willingness to open up. But then I slept off [:)]

Within moments, I saw two gals ranting in front of me, one happened to be the Ryan Bingam bag gal. To my surprise, she uttered the following to me
Gal : Excuse me !
Me : (sneaky smile) Yeah !
Gal : Could we xchange our berths, so that myself and ma fren could sit and chat for a while !
Me : Well, Thank you. Right away [:)]
Gal : I hope u got no issues !
Me : Absolutely no probs ! ( sssabbada nu irundhudhu [:P] )

It crossed one o clock at night, I still saw them chatting. Since I turned nocturnal these days, I did not sleep either. Though it was dark, I had a gut feeling if that gal was glancing towards me. Unable to sleep, I took a walk to the door way and after a while, I even noticed the gal was heading towards doorway. There I found her intention, which was same as mine. With many people still awake I found it would be odd, if I also stayed there. So with no hesitation, went back and slept.

My instant realization was “Vada poche”. I strongly felt, I missed yet another opportunity and with the regret dozed off. Few hours’ later, train halted by and we have approached Bangalore Cantonment, I packed my stuffs and with utter disappointment got ready to alight.

Then came the hero, “my mind voice”, which uttered continuously saying, “go, go, and speak some crap! “ The gal was standing near me, and with no hesitation I went on to speak with her.

Me : Majestic ?!? (as if am new to blr [:P] )
Gal : Yeah !!
Me : Btw, how did u gals manage to pack urself up there ?
Gal : oh yeah ! it was kinda tough, btw are u new to Blr ?
Me : (cheeky smile) Oh nope, I have been here for the past 2 years ! Urself?
Gal : am here for 2 and half years..
(2 and half years :O elder gal ahhh !! vidu vidu ..continue..)
Me : Btw Am Akil !!!
Gal : (smile) Am XYZ..and do u work in Blr ?
Me : oh yeah, am with Oracle and u ?
Gal : Juniper Networks, native of chn ? Which coll?
Me : Yup..MIT and u ? (nala vela ava neraya kelvi kaeta )
Gal : PSG...

Train stopped and we got down, she was waiting for her friend, Meanwhile
Me : Waiting for ur fren ? You go by auto?
Gal : yeah..and I got my car !
Me : (dhoda..bunk-a) oh cool. where do u stay in Blr ?
Gal : Indira nagar and u ?
Me : Near ma office (oops !) near forum mall !
Gal : lol
Me : fine, catch ya later..see ya !
(My mind voice spitted on me, kai ettinadhu vaayu ku ettaliyae !?! )
Gal : hmmmmmm..ok !
(I was able to read some disappointment in her face (seri vidunga..i shud support my genuiness la [:P] ), and so)
Me : U got some b-card of urs ?
Gal : Oh yeah (enthusiastically !!)
Me : (dai unaku b-card-ae kedayathu !! oops.. ) Fine gimmie ur mob number!
(Gal’s fren entry)
Me : Chalo, wil buzz u later ! Catch ya !!

With cold breeze blowing at the dawn, I turned on my player to hear “June pona July katrae..”. (What a situation song !! )
For a moment, I felt on top of the world, though it was some petty incident! Except for in Tamil movies, I have not seen friendships blossoming in a train.

Sorry for the long one! Hope u found it interesting [:)]


Sri Charan R said...

Such incidents do happen machi!! It happened to me as well... some 3 years ago.. But unfortunately for me, I had to call her "akka"! Wish you don't land in such a situation and have another "Vada pochae" expression on your "anyways comical" face!


Vivek said...

MAMA! Finally!! You make me proud ;) ..Guess I'll be making frequent trips to Bangalore here on! :D

Arch said...

Huh !!! keep writin ;)