Friday, October 23, 2009

I wish...

Today after having chosen my path to do my Master’s in Science, I stand perplexed amidst all applications, universities, professors, recommendation letters, useless exams which could be written as many times till we are satisfied with our scores. I can’t look back now to think if am following my passion. I have never dreamt of being one Software Engineer, infact a continuous stare at the monitor will ache my brain. Life is pounding on us with its various plights; it seldom gives us time to ponder on to discover our passions. And with a clustered orthodox network like ours, you are made to realize that you serve for the cause of your community and you got no escape from the bonds unless you accept it whole heartedly “ Yes, It’s my life “. And however, I stand a victim of blame too, because I have supported them all time bowing myself to their decrees. Almost, every talk right on this day among close pals or kins has some mention on monetary concerns. It has become more of a pride to say that my son/daughter is in US, earning dollars. And the current trend is, we voluntarily stand upright in the Line Of Control with a perception that our neighbor would benefit us more than that done by our country. We prepare ourselves to lose what is good today to gain what is extra-ordinary today, eventually the extra-ordinary will turn ordinary tomorrow and leave us yearning for what we won’t get!
I wish, every damn thing on Earth was easier, at least nearer.
I wish, earth had only one King governing a single country
I wish, currency were treated as scribble papers.
I wish, I could have a replica of my family and frens wherever I go!
I wish, we had no emotions or any senses.

At least
I wish, we were monkeys still


Vivek said...

beautiful :-) ... especially the last line :P

Unknown said...

akil too good... :)good luck always da...

Joker said...

Mach things are easy :) And were they nearer wed have lesser space and as am growin larger i hesitate to support this :|

Facisim? Autocracy? One man is never anybodys voice but his Mach. But incase you are going to make that second wish tag along two more : one, that everyone must follow the king. Two, i get to be king! :)

We'd be bartering or worse trying to achieve self sufficiency, both of which are pretty impossible. :|

We do much, in our mind, heart and photo albums :)

Mach the last but one would be the same as wishing we were dead :| Be happy for joy for it brings light and happy for pain for then we would have a reason to enjoy happiness :)

And mach were we monkeys, remember, there'd be no blogging. So lets stay human :)


Pikachu said...
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Pikachu said...
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Pikachu said...

wonderful mach..... That is what almost every one have in their heart, but dares not to write or speak about it in public... The way , you hav presented your thought, shows how serious you had thought about it.. Man the most amazing part is your literature. More than the content, I would blindly say that the entire piece of well organized words are simply superb "AWESOME"... HATS OFF.... Feels great to see a typical Prince Product to deliver such an fantastic write up. HATS OFF !!!!!
*NO offence meant*

Sri Charan R said...

I've always had the impression that Keelu thinks simple and never ventures the intricacies of details. At least, that's how he has been with regard to social issues.. But this piece is, I'd call, an incredible display of his twisted bundle... Words too expressive.. Detail to the mark... Expression at its best. Keep writing "Sir"!

Arch said...

Nee epome monkeyy thaane :P lol jus kiddin...very nice :)