Friday, August 19, 2011

Jobs and me !

Been a very long time since I scribbled something. Right back from the last working hour of 2.5 month tenure at Hp-Palm, I wanted to make sure the moment is recorded.

Jobs are of two kinds as I see it, one which we do for a living and the other, we call it passion. Honestly, my first job after my under-graduation fell in the first kind, I did try to develop some passion for it but I went no farther than getting skeptical about it.

School days were definitely the best days of my life when I compare it with my college days. But, when given a chance against the monotonous 10AM to 6PM life, I would prefer college. I flew half the globe to get back to college.Fought hard for 1.5 months to secure an assistantship, went on to spam every Prof and even got scolded by a few. When I look back, I have not achieved anything other than fixing some infectious code. For a fact, fixing someone else' code is the most challenging job, it demands more of your patience and your ability to understand what the coder has conveyed.

Meanwhile, there is this weird custom here (America), where even school students do internships, when we were playing bet matches. There went another lackadaisical 5 months with job hunt, just when time was above to give up on me I got one with HP-Palm. It was an enticing offer, I took it up. Amazingly, it turned out to be best days of my life, in terms of my career. I enjoyed every single moment working on the project I was assigned. I had all the freedom to define my restrictions and infinite boundaries to innovate, of-course it was painful and hard to bid good-bye to Palm.

Few weeks before, my manager at Palm, was asking me about my graduation. I was happy for the fact that, I will have no "job hunt" phase in my life again, as I could convert this to a full-time offer. And I was no wrong, my full-time offer was waiting for VP's approval, just then this shocking news came..."HP killing WebOS". I was part of the WebOS family, and the last 2 days I was at dead man's land. Recession at its peak, I could see people worried about their living and jobs. From an employee perspective, I could spit only anger on the management for its reckless announcement and it might have been right form a management perspective.

In-spite of being close to an offer and see it getting slipped, I had something positive and encouraging to take back. "You were phenomenal." went the words of my Snr.Director, it was a feel-good moment ! Well, things will get fine and they should for the wonderful people I worked for.

Oh yeah, the theme for this blog, jobs and me..never it has been an easy travel for me and when things seem easy, they just "seem" :)

Few other things I had experienced and felt good about fighting, at all times, I have had two offers with me and it fell on me to choose the best.

Cheers !


Arch said...

so pleasant:) i liked this line very much 'where even school students do internships, when we were playing bet matches' :)

Sri Charan R said...

Give more of these Keelu...!