Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do dogmas originate from pragmatical instances ?

My second post !!! How many hours it took me to think of a topic ? As Charan named his blog , they are timely sparkles they dont burn all the time ;) I kicked off my second post with a more philosophical one , dealing with the instinct in us.How does it drive us ?Where we may end up in the long run?
All these philosophy strikes me when i dont want them to.A sudden thought on why do i always eat the less tasty dish first and keep the more tasty one to the end (I cant afford to waste the less tasty one ) Is that the fear in me for my next minute or that i always wanna have "Happys endings" .I'm not sure which one would fit. Henceforth i dropped my thought on a "not sure" topic and started thinking how could dogmas arise without a go at it ? Mr.X 's dogma or philosophy may not be from his labs but for sure it has a creator .This is synonymous to every child has parents - paradoxical statement , provoking us to ask Do u know the initial of Adam or Eve ?? Many say its G for God and others say its M for Mystery.What difference does that make ?? G or M ?? may be the level of optimism in you ?? These can only be opinionated , a dogma without a pragmatism !!

You know something it is little tougher to write blogs without some unusual happenings, ur flow turns u down sometimes as i'm now, blinking at the screen saver for more than an hour ;P
This is better than visiting unknown profiles in some social networks.What do we gain peeping into strangers' profile ?? know about how ppl are ?? about their psychology !!
PSYCHOLOGY !! I think i can explore on this for my next post.Its time for me to think on PSYCHOLOGY !! catch u soon!!

keep smiling,

1 comment:

Sri Charan R said...

Nice way to start... Expect more of you... And yeah, thanks for provoking me to use the dictionary once in a while!!