Monday, April 27, 2009

Aren't they fresh ??

* Sit comfortably in a foam couch in an air-conditioned room with 5.1 surround sound speakers and a 29" TV with loads of DVD’s (Manirathnam's , Shankar's , few fiction English movies and some other pleasant movies).Get some Real Orange juice to drink and some snacks.

* On a hot Saturday, at 1 o clock in the afternoon, with a relieved happiness coz next day is Sunday, try this -- Switch on the AC, set the temperature of the room to 21 degrees, close windows with dark curtains, lock all doors, no disturbances. Now go for a nap.

* On a rainy day, when the black clouds are gone and winds are blowing gently, take ur love to the beach, remove ur shoes, hold her hand and keep walking in the wet sands admiring the smell of sea and sight of blue waves.

* On a rainy day, be @ home, prepare some good hot masala tea, move ur couch near the windows, open all doors and windows, listen to Illayaraja's and enjoy rain...!!

* On a winter night, when the chill breeze hold you tight, ask call upon your best friends, take them to the terrace have a nice chat gazing vividly at the stars, together teasing each other have a garam chaay in a nearby tea shop at 12 30 in the night..!!

* On a rainy Saturday evening, with the feel of a relief just coz u have a Sunday with you, accompany ur frens to a rocking movie and return back drenched completely in the rain in bikes. Take a halt in a small tea shop and have some hot bajji and tea !!

* A 4 day tour to some hill station where u can smell the eucalyptus, its just u and ur best companions...!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Energy – The sine wave we witness!!

I would believe it's all the energy level which keeps us going. Some study even has a scientific intellect associated with it. A human mind in action is an electrical activity sending electrical signal through nerve wires. I have witnessed myself a prey to various energy levels. I would say morale at its highest point is energy unleashed.
It always feels good to win, just because our heart pumps for us, brain says "peace my man!! You have achieved it”, whatever!! And in failures, I have felt a heavy head with sick thought process and lack of movement, squandering around trivial stuffs. A classification best backing up these contrasts would be high and low energy levels. A calm and poised mind can achieve anything. I have heard this rather read this many times. It means lack of no sufferings from failures, no hurting yourself with wrecked past, no feeling bad for what you are, no depressed thought for what you are not more than that it means no jumping off the ground after the sweet success, no flying in skies for what you have achieved, no feeling proud for the precious appraisals you get, no feel of elation, denying to hear to your heart, finally no charms or excitements.
I don’t know how monks or yogis survive without these excitements. At this point it feels like excitements mark our age and satisfies our purpose in here. I was really amazed to read that Yogis rule their body, they easily travel places without their body changing its posture. They fly with wind and shine like the brightest star. The day i read this i was like,’ Bunk up Akil, practice this and soon you can fly and amuse people!!' .Does it makes sense, neither to me !! at least not at 22.So the next day i woke up saying to myself 'Leave off these yogi stuff , try being yourself' Then i went on to read The Alchemist and "SCREW IT LET's DO IT " by Richard Branson.
The Alchemist - really a nice book with almost every line carrying a message in it. May be I will use these as bed time stories to my son/daughter.
Screw it Let's Do It - A small book, with loads of energy in it. Hail the author. The title that best suits the book. Thinking hard about that book, I remember no instances to quote, only stuff that haunted me is optimism and energy in all pages
Many charged electrons started revolving around, wanting to achieve something. I am well aware that all my excitements are transient and doesn't last after my next energy encounter. But i believe some daring move now will take me somewhere. What could be that daring move? Stay firm with the firm or sharpen my skills or think of some investments and many other options. Confused my poor brains!!! And ppl reading plz leave your comments, coz every time I do some crap I keep monitoring it for some results. It’s some sort of energy to me. :P